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The talks are available in these sets:
The Lakshmi SeriesRama: Live in LA A Workshop with Rama Insights: Talks on the Nature of Existence Psychic Development On the Road with Rama The Zen Tapes Tantric Buddhism The Enlightenment Cycle |
![]() | The Lakshmi Series 1982 - 1983 | ![]() |
download | Introductory and Intermediate Meditation | 1 hr 1 mins |
Now, in meditation what we do is something original. We experience God. That is to say, we experience that essence of existence from which we have come forth, which sustains us and to which we will eventually return. | ||
download | Purity | 31 mins |
Purity is light. Not just an ordinary light that we see in the physical universe, but a transcendental light. Without purity it's impossible to realize God. | ||
download | Humility | 30 mins |
Humility is the conscious awareness and acceptance of eternity as your own body. Humility is the time that you spend in love—in love with existence itself. | ||
download | The Yoga of Love | 1 hr 1 mins |
Love is the easiest and most effective way to begin our search for self realization, for our selves. | ||
download | The Yoga of Selfless Giving | 1 hr 3 mins |
The reason you're not happy, the reason the world lacks peace, is that we lack the happiness that comes from self-giving. | ||
download | The Yoga of Discrimination | 1 hr 2 mins |
There are four major paths to self realization. Jnana yoga is the graduate school of self-discovery. | ||
download | The Yoga of Mysticism and Power | 1 hr 2 mins |
Mysticism is the hidden way. The mystic practices the art of intentionality. | ||
download | Spiritual Absorption | 31 mins |
The purpose of life is to be absorbed in spirit. Spirit is an undefinable reality that exists within us, around us and beyond us. | ||
download | Nirvana | 29 mins |
Nirvana is not a time or a place or a dimension, although it includes times and dimensions and places. | ||
download | Death and Reincarnation | 1 hr 1 mins |
Today I would like to share with you a few thoughts on the subject of your death and the experience of death and rebirth. | ||
download | Samadhi and The Supraconscious States | 1 hr 8 mins |
I'd like to consider with you what the nature of samadhi is, and try and gain an understanding of not only why an individual seeks to go into samadhi, and how that occurs, but what the result of this process is. | ||
download | The Caretaker Personality | 53 mins |
In the process of meditation, we find that we are not one continuous personality, we are not a body, that what our real being is, is light. | ||
download | The Tibetan Rebirth Process | 1 hr 4 mins |
So what I would like to attempt to do in the next hour is to talk with you about Tibetan yoga, as it was practiced hundreds of years ago. | ||
download | Living and Working In The World | 1 hr 10 mins |
The greatest challenge awaiting you is living and working in the world. | ||
download | Pleasure, Pain and The Senses | 57 mins |
Our journey today concerns illusion, the nature of illusion and the way out of illusion. | ||
download | How To Achieve Spiritual Balance | 44 mins |
The way to achieve spiritual balance is without trying. Spiritual balance is something that all of us innately are. | ||
download | The Subtle Physical Body | 56 mins |
The subtle physical body is composed of strands or luminous fibers of energy that interconnect different planes and times. | ||
download | Women Men and Self Realization | 54 mins |
It is much easier for women to attain spiritual liberation than it is for men to do so. | ||
download | Inaccessibility and Attachment | 44 mins |
Attachment creates pain and frustration. Attachment is the thing that we seek to overcome in self-discovery. | ||
download | Spiritual Experiences, Dreams and Visions | 56 mins |
The most common type of spiritual experience is the one that you're having at the moment. We call it life. | ||
download | Zen, Taoism and Buddhism | 42 mins |
Today I'd like to talk to you about these ways, not so much from an historical perspective, but from the perspective of one who, in other lifetimes, has practiced and taught these three ways. | ||
download | The Occult Body, Auras and The Chakras | 47 mins |
The occult body is a field of attention. It's an avenue of awareness. It's a wind tunnel that connects the different realities. | ||
download | Spiritual Teachers and The Enlightenment Process | 56 mins |
I would like to address what I consider to be the most difficult topic for a person who seeks enlightenment to deal with. | ||
download | Advanced Meditation | 56 mins |
In advanced meditation we not only pass through other planes of consciousness or awareness but we become them. | ||
download | Dreaming | 58 mins |
You are a dream. You are a dream of eternal consciousness in the waking state. | ||
download | Gods, Goddesses and Carrier Beings | 51 mins |
Today I'd like to talk with you about some of the different types of beings that you as a spiritual seeker will encounter on your journey to enlightenment. | ||
download | Dharma and Karma | 54 mins |
Dharma is the truth. Dharma is the truth throughout the ages. | ||
download | Tantra and The Left-Handed Path | 44 mins |
There are dark and gloomy days in the path to self-discovery. There are days when it seems that we'll never be able to see the truth. | ||
download | Liberation and Self Realization | 46 mins |
Self realization is liberation. Liberation is self realization. There is no beginning and there is no end. | ||
download | Tantric Mysticism | 47 mins |
Everything is one. There's only one eternal reality. Yet there are two. | ||
![]() | Rama: Live in L.A. 1983 | ![]() |
download | Consciousness Expansion and Desire | 1 hr 26 mins |
Again, I'm a very strict spiritual teacher, so you have to understand, I'm very old school in my ways. You know, I believe that there's enlightenment and ignorance and there's nothing in between. People can talk all they want to about their great spiritual experiences, as far as I'm concerned it's refracted maya. There is enlightenment and there is ignorance. There is maya and there is nirvana. | ||
download | Live in LA | 1 hr 37 mins |
Cosmic awareness, or cosmic consciousness, as it's sometimes called, is the realization that we're light, that each one of us is light. | ||
download | Reincarnation and The Tibetan Rebirth | 1 hr 11 mins |
So, the Tibetan Rebirth Process, then, is the awareness that it is possible for a human being, a sentient being, to go through hundreds or thousands of lifetimes within one incarnation. As you examine the more esoteric, as opposed to the exoteric, side of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which is really understood only by a few initiates, we come to see that what the Tibetan Book of the Dead is, is a guide for the living, not the dying. | ||
download | Seeing, Dreaming and Places of Power | 57 mins |
A place of power is a vortex of energy. There are really two types of places of power. | ||
download | Tantric Mysticism and Meditation | 1 hr 17 mins |
Tonight I'd like to talk a little bit about a timeless subject, and that's meditation. I don't think there's a way we can really define meditation. | ||
![]() | A Workshop with Rama 1983 | ![]() |
download | Enlightenment and Self Realization | 2 hrs 4 min |
It's being absorbed in that light, over and over again. Life is wonderful beyond comphrehension. | ||
download | Meditation and Kundalini | 2 hrs 22 mins |
Meditation essentially means having a great time. | ||
download | Psychic Development | 1 hr 43 mins |
As you continue your spiritual journey you'll begin to feel the presence of the psychic network. This is 1985, and it's the beginning of a cycle, of time, a very dark cycle of time I suppose you might say. The next 30 years are going to be a very difficult time for humanity. A lot depends on a few people. | ||
![]() | Insights: Talks on the Nature of Existence 1983 | ![]() |
download | Modular Mysticism: Storing Power | 43 mins |
In the practice of mysticism there are four stages. | ||
download | Modular Mysticism: Seeing | 44 mins |
Seeing is the ability to tell what really is. | ||
download | Instant Enlightenment | 44 mins |
How can you tell when you're enlightened? | ||
download | Sophisticated Sexuality | 1 hr 13 mins |
Today is eternity. In eternity there is only awareness. | ||
download | Modular Mysticism: Dress For Power | 46 mins |
The way you dress is extremely important because it demonstrates the impeccability of your spirit. | ||
download | Spiritual Crossroads | 1 hr 9 mins |
Tonight my interest specifically is the crossroads that we come to once one has reached the point where there is no other alternative but self-discovery. | ||
download | How To Make Friends With God | 43 mins |
God doesn't speak through words or thoughts, God doesn't speak. God is silent. | ||
download | The Non-Doing of Meditation | 45 mins |
Consider what it is that you're trying to do. Not so much why, because I think the why eludes us all. | ||
download | Why Don't More Women Attain Enlightenment? | 1 hr 12 mins |
I feel if we can correctly understand this one subject, we will understand all subjects, whereas if we fail to understand this one subject, we will fail to understand any subject. I feel it is that important. | ||
download | Love - The Fourth Level of Ecstasy | 1 hr 56 mins |
I have spent my whole life studying love. Love has been the only thing that's ever really excited me in this world. | ||
download | Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrine | 1 hr 44 mins |
The suggestion is that instead of staying with the destiny that you have now, it's possible to transcend all of that and within the structure of a lifetime to be born again many times. | ||
download | The Truth | 1 hr 15 mins |
Tonight I would like to talk to you a little bit about spiritual metamorphosis or transformation. | ||
download | The Sorcerer's Explanation | 1 hr 35 mins |
In self-discovery what we do is go inside someone and actually change their structure many, many, many times. | ||
![]() | Psychic Development 1985 | ![]() |
download | Selfless Giving | 45 mins |
What do you want? Are you content with your life as it is? | ||
download | Dharma | 45 mins |
The dharma of the psychic individual, which of course is you, is very, very different than the dharma of the individual who�s not psychically developed. | ||
download | The Caretaker Personality | 47 mins |
Advanced seers believe that we are not just one type of being. Rather, they believe that we are composed of many different beings, we have many different selves within us. | ||
download | Psychic Self Defense | 45 mins |
Now, what's psychic self-defense? Well, very simply, it is maintaining the integrity of your own awareness. Life is a happy thing unless someone interferes with you, or of course unless you interfere with the happiness of others. | ||
download | Places of Power | 44 mins |
The awareness of the earth changes from place to place. Some places on the earth are places of power-places of power for human beings. Some places are the opposite-they're places of negative energy, reverse charge, where you lose energy, you lose power, you lose consciousness. | ||
download | Seeing | 45 mins |
What is seeing? Well, seeing is a direct, immediate knowledge of something. It does not imply any kind of judgment or moral system or philosophical outlook or religious viewpoint. Seeing is seeing. | ||
![]() | On the Road with Rama 1985 | ![]() |
download | Neutral Density - Continental Divide, Colorado | 46 mins |
Today I'd like to talk to you about neutral density -- the neutral density of perpetual being -- being awareness without being aware of yourself as such. | ||
download | Unity - The Big Island of Hawaii | 46 mins |
I'm facing the direction of the volcano Mauna Kea. It's obscured by a heavy cloud cover. Behind me is Mauna Loa -- the twin peaks of the Big Island. And today I'd like to talk to you about making yourself available to energy, to power. | ||
download | Magic - Lake Tahoe, Nevada | 47 mins |
The school of awareness is the school of mysticism. Mysticism is the experience of eternity, of that which lies beyond the physical phenomenal experience. | ||
download | Electronic Tribe - Nantucket, Massachusetts | 45 mins |
I'm pulled off by the side of the road at a place of power, thinking about the future, which occurred a long, long time ago, long before any of us can remember. It's windy out -- the winds of time are blowing, the winds of change. | ||
download | Kundalini Yoga - Haleakala, Maui | 46 mins |
It's the first day of August in 1985, and I'm somewhere here in the middle of eternity. I'd like to talk to you today about kundalini yoga, the yoga of power and energy. | ||
download | Power - Continental Divide, Colorado | 45 mins |
You were born with a specific amount of energy. That energy came from the totality. It came from your other lives. In this lifetime, you can increase your energy or you can decrease it. | ||
download | Transcendentalism - Walden Pond, Massachusetts | 46 mins |
Transcendentalism answers these and other questions, not so much with verbal answers or with a singular philosophy, but by suggesting that there are layers of reality, and that the average individual only sees one or two of these layers perhaps in an entire lifetime. | ||
![]() | The Zen Tapes 1986 | ![]() |
download | Personal Power | 59 mins |
What is power anyway? Power, as I define it -- personal power -- is something that's not necessarily visible. | ||
download | Career Success | 45 mins |
Next to meditation itself, I really can't think of anything more important than the development of your career -- because nothing has a greater effect on your awareness level. | ||
download | Happiness | 47 mins |
Happiness is your life, when you let go of it a little bit more. Happiness is everything in the whole universe. It's a state of mind. | ||
download | Overcoming Stress | 56 mins |
Stress elimination. The koan is: Life doesn't change, but you do. The world is the world. It's different than you suppose. | ||
download | Enlightenment | 1 hr 18 mins |
The most noble of all pursuits is to be enlightened, to know truth, to have knowledge and yet be beyond even truth and knowledge, to be God. | ||
download | Reincarnation | 1 hr 25 mins |
Reincarnation. Past lives. Future lives. Immortality. Your purpose in this lifetime. Twin souls, soul mates and karmic connections. Past life remembrances in waking states, dreams, during meditation. | ||
download | Karma | 1 hr 5 mins |
Karma is your own energy -- the energy patterns that emanate from your life, from your actions, from your thoughts, feelings and desires, your attractions and aversions, hopes, dreams, plans and schemes -- karma. | ||
download | Psychic Development | 48 mins |
Beyond mind, beyond time, beyond space, there's immortal awareness. The universe is a giant mind. Some people have the ability to tap into that mind. We call them psychic. | ||
download | Zazen: Concentration and Meditation | 1 hr 3 mins |
Zen -- which means meditation, stopping thought -- is about going beyond ideas to direct and immediate experiences. | ||
download | Tantric Zen | 47 mins |
So what is Tantric Zen? It's inside your mind. Everything is inside your mind. Even you are inside your own mind. | ||
download | Developing Willpower | 54 mins |
There is another possibility. One can become limitless, enlightened, aware, awakened, knowledgeable and powerful in ways that the human beings who traverse this earth cannot yet fathom. | ||
download | Managing and Increasing Your Energy | 39 mins |
The study of Zen is the study of energy, power, knowledge and balance. It's the science of energy conservation and control. | ||
download | Overcoming Fears | 43 mins |
I'd like to talk with you about overcoming your fears, whether they're small fears or large fears, fears that you're aware of or subconscious fears, fears that you don't know you have. | ||
download | Rapid Mental Development | 43 mins |
What do I mean by rapid mental development? Well, rapid mental development is the escalation of consciousness. | ||
download | Advanced Meditation Practices | 59 mins |
What do I have to say about advanced meditation? It's a feeling. It's beyond the body and beyond the mind. | ||
download | The Zen of Sports and Athletics | 44 mins |
Preparation of the mind. All athletics, and success in sports and athletics, from the Zen point of view, comes from the mind. | ||
download | How To Be A Successful Student | 59 mins |
We're taught how to live. We're given tasks, but no one ever really teaches us how to be a successful student. | ||
download | Winning | 46 mins |
Today our subject is winning -- the Zen of winning. Now that may seem to some like a contradictory term, which is appropriate. | ||
![]() | Tantric Buddhism 1988 - 1989 | ![]() |
download | Tantric Buddhism | 37 mins |
We don't believe in sin. Stupidity, yes, meaning we make ourselves or others suffer. Intelligence, yes, meaning we go beyond suffering personally or we assist others in that process. | ||
download | Six Worlds | 42 mins |
There are six worlds. There are countless subdivisions of the six, but there are six. | ||
download | The Mature Monk | 31 mins |
The eye of God is inside us. It's looking through us and it sees whatever we look at. Sometimes I think we could give God better things to look at than the things we focus on, don't you? | ||
download | The Natural State | 46 mins |
The perfect view of existence comes from an unclouded, uncluttered life and mind whereby the radiance of perfect attention of the mind of the universe floods us at every moment. | ||
download | Freedom | 1 hr 17 mins |
Our subject is freedom. It's always the same. How do we become free, free from the limitations of dimensionality? | ||
download | Enlightenment | 27 mins |
I've read a lot about enlightenment and thought about it quite a bit, and I find that it doesn't have much to do with enlightenment. | ||
download | Self-Effort | 24 mins |
Divinity does not require humanity's understanding. It exists because it exists because it exists. | ||
download | Possibilities | 26 mins |
Astrology is the science of time and space. It is the science of karma. | ||
download | The Nexus of All Pathways | 55 mins |
Being on the circle of yin or yang does not necessarily mean that you will ever go beyond the circle because the source of the circle is not necessarily connected to it. | ||
download | The Path of Affirmation | 39 mins |
Why do we meditate? Why do we engage in practices? Why bother? | ||
download | Buddhism | 31 mins |
Buddhism is essentially the establishment of one's mind in that which is ineffable. | ||
download | Computer Science | 19 mins |
Some people are connoisseurs of states of mind, just as some people are connoisseurs of wine, food, countries, lovers. | ||
download | The Awareness of Meditation | 33 mins |
Meditation is the art of breathing - breathing out and breathing in. | ||
download | Focus and Meditation | 25 mins |
The practice of meditation is emptying the mind. When the mind is empty, completely empty, it's perfect meditation. | ||
download | Professional Meditation | 26 mins |
When a person has become used to meditating on a regular basis and the practice has become a part of your life, we reach a kind of threshold that some people don't cross. | ||
download | The Best Meditation I Ever Had | 20 mins |
The best meditation I ever had, I haven't had yet. | ||
download | Metaphysics | 40 mins |
The reason that you're engaged in metaphysics is -- there's no reason, you just don't have any choice. You couldn't stop, no matter what you did. | ||
download | A Clean Room | 25 mins |
The way you keep your room clean, the way you keep your life clean, is by not letting a lot of clutter in. You keep it simple. | ||
download | The Bhagavad-Gita | 44 mins |
The Bhagavad Gita is a conversation between enlightenment and that which unknowingly seeks enlightenment. | ||
download | Buddhist Enlightenment | 19 mins |
The essence of Buddhism is simply that the mind is forever, and that there are endless states of mind. | ||
download | The Path of Negation | 33 mins |
But the path of negation, which is the esoteric or more advanced part of the enlightenment process, is the path of understanding. It's the path of knowledge. | ||
download | Transience | 20 mins |
Everything is transient and it's a good thing, as I said. I celebrate the transient constantly. I don't find that sorrowful in any way. | ||
download | Peak Experiences | 32 mins |
What I'm teaching you is how to experience the manifold realities of mind, how to go places that very few people ever go, and you come back from those places different. | ||
download | Solstices and Equinoxes | 1 hr 3 mins |
There are four times of tremendous power that occur every year, and those are the solstices and the equinoxes. | ||
download | Tenacity | 33 mins |
An individual has to be tenacious enough to become enlightened. | ||
download | Buddhist Yoga | 38 mins |
Nothing lasts. Consider everything that you've gone through and experienced thus far. | ||
download | Light | 14 mins |
There is only black light, between the stars. It may seem that it's darkness, but it's really black light. | ||
![]() | The Enlightenment Cycle 1992 | ![]() |
download | Meditation | 30 mins |
Meditation is a process of expanding your awareness. When you meditate you get in touch with the deepest part of yourself. | ||
download | Buddhism | 29 mins |
The essential premise of Buddhism is that there is enlightenment, there is nirvana. Beyond this world, beyond all worlds, there is something radiant, perfect, and eternal. | ||
download | Power | 59 mins |
Power is the active force in life. It is the force of life that makes awareness. Power is seen in the wind, in fire, in movement, physical movement, emotional movement, mental movement. | ||
download | Balance | 30 mins |
Spiritual balance is the ability to be happy in spite of circumstances. | ||
download | Wisdom | 30 mins |
Wisdom is the ability to do two things at once. To be in the world and of it and enjoy it, participate in it fully and successfully, and at the same time to not be here at all. To be in realms of light. | ||
download | Enlightenment | 30 mins |
Enlightenment is the complete awareness of life without mental modification. | ||
download | Personal Happiness | 30 mins |
What makes us happy and what increases is contact with light. The experience of light in a very pure form, if not the purest form, always creates happiness. | ||
download | Reincarnation | 30 mins |
What's interesting about reincarnation from the point of view of the more advanced soul is how the process works. | ||
download | Career Success | 30 mins |
Unless you use work in a Tantric way. Unless you use work as a way of advancing yourself. And that's how I define career success. | ||
download | Miracles | 30 mins |
Miracles. I like miracles. They inspire me. Miracles cause you to believe, to have faith in the unseen, to look further into things, deeper into things. | ||
download | Intermediate Meditation | 1 hr |
Then, in the intermediate stage, it's an opening, a deepening of one's awareness but with a focus towards the planes of light. | ||
download | The Enlightenment Cycle | 32 mins |
Enlightenment is the complete awareness of life without any mental modifications. It is perfect light, light that has always existed, exists now and will always exist. |