Here are some links to other sites that have information on Rama. |
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Frederick P. Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism - Rama's Foundation, where his books, music CDs, talk CDs, and videos are available. |
Rama ~ Dr. Frederick Lenz - Official Home Page. |
Rama's Books - Surfing the Himalayas and Snowboarding to Nirvana. |
Zazen Music - Electronic music produced by Rama. |
Zazen Music - One Mind music. Zazen CDs available. |
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American Buddha - Daily quotes from Rama, gathered from his talks. |
American Buddhism - The teachings of Dr. Frederick Lenz, known as "Rama" to his students, bring an understanding of the enlightenment cycle to contemporary American society. His teachings draw from both religious and academic foundations in Eastern and Western traditions, adapted to contemporary American culture. |
The Art of Rama - Rama is a fully enlightened master who dedicated his life to the spiritual liberation of his students. He was a radical and avant-garde teacher of enlightenment. The Art of Rama is a rare opportunity to glimpse the teacher-student relationship through intimate interviews with six of his direct students. |
American Zen - Y. Ohta is an ordained Buddhist monk from Kyoto, Japan, who studies Zen with an American Zenji. |
Bakersfield Meditation Society (Bakersfield, Ca) - Meditation is a process of quieting your thoughts and going into worlds of perfect light, knowledge, and radiant perfection. |
Dharma Center San Diego (San Diego, Ca) - Dharma Center offers instruction in the practices of meditation and mindfulness. |
Dharmakaya Meditation Center (New York, NY) - The Dharmakaya Meditation Center is a non-profit charitable business and holds classes in Yoga and Meditation. |
Enlightenment Is Real - Enlightenment Is Real is created by a modern day yogi who lives and works in the world, and who was trained in the ancient, secret teachings of mysticism and meditation. This blog is an offering to those interested in finding their own path to enlightenment. |
Flowergirl's Tribute - Rama ~ Dr. Frederick Lenz was an Enlightened teacher of Buddhism whom I met when I was 8. |
How to Meditate - A resource for going higher and higher into light everyday! |
jMeditate (San Francisco, CA) - Our sister site in San Francisco. There is information here about meditation, American Buddhism, our San Francisco Meditation Classes, and other resources for those who want to learn to meditate and practice self-discovery. |
Kali Fierce - My name is Kali. It is a spiritual name given to me by my teacher, Rama - Dr. Frederick Lenz. Kali is an Indian goddess who represents powerful love and rapid change. |
Meditation Club - An organization dedicated to teach meditation in California and all over the world. |
Mystic SCUBA - The story of Vanessa's remarkable journey into the magical world of Mystic SCUBA. |
The Rama Channel - on YouTube. |
Rama Lila - Recalling Rama's teachings. |
Rama Meditation Society - Buddhism videos from Rama on YouTube. |
Rama Meditation Society - Rama Meditation Society (RMS) is an electronic tribe of seekers who live for spiritual experience and illumination. Within these pages, you will find the teachings of an enlightened American Buddhist teacher, Rama - Dr. Frederick Lenz. The site also offers numerous ways of exploring, experiencing, learning and sharing higher spiritual awareness. |
Rama Quotes - Quotes from Rama organized by topic. |
Rama Dharma Talks - Dharma talks by Rama, and music and books too. |
Rama Tribute - Tributes to Rama written by students and friends. |
Tantric Buddhist Monk - Excerpts from Rama's writings and talks. | Twentieth Century Buddha - This poem is dedicated to Rama. |
Vayu Search - Search websites about Rama. | Woman Monk’s Weblog (New York City) - "What you focus on you become. So always focus on the highest, brightest, happiest and most noble of all things – Enlightenment." ~ Rama (Dr. Frederick Lenz). |
Zen Master Rama - Radical Rama brochures from the 1980’s. |
Dreams - A site dedicated to the art of dreaming featuring related and quotes and talks of Rama, Dr. Frederick P Lenz. |
Buddhist Miracles |
Zen Quotes |
Art of Meditation with Zen Master Rama - Exploring the depths of true meditation as taught by Zen Master Rama. Meditation is the pathway to enlightenment. Meditation is to stop thought, to silence the mind, to move the ego aside, and to simply be still, open, clear, bright, and fully conscious. |
Women's Guide to Power - Enlightened insights by Frederick Lenz - Frederick Lenz said that the most important problem for our world to solve is the inequality of men and women; when women come into their full power, a balance will occur which has not been seen for so long that no one remembers it. |
Merging with Light |
Reincarnation |
Samadhi and the enlightened states by Frederick P. Lenz - Frederick P. Lenz taught his students how to go into samadhi. Samadhi is a very advanced meditation, where you dissolve into the clear light of eternity again and again. |
Balance |
Truth |
Trancendentalism |
Spiritual Quotes |
Success |
Enlightenment Cycle |
Tantric Buddhism |
On the Road with Rama |
Insights: Talks on the Nature of Existance |
Career |